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First Time Buyers Artesia

Who best helps first-time buyers in Artesia? Buying a home is one of the biggest life goals that people have. It could seem just out of reach despite your best efforts, which is always detrimental and discouraging. But you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that there are viable options, including incentives and loan programs, accessible to those who wish to fulfill this dream.

The New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority, or MFA, has access to all the information you’ll need to take advantage of one of these properties. Down payment and closing cost assistance are available to those who are eligible, relieving much of the financial burden that comes with this process. You can get in touch with a professional who’ll notify you of the eligibility requirements and the like!

Successfully buy your first home! For the program, a minimum credit score of 620 is required, and all prospective purchasers must get pre-purchase homebuyer counseling. FirstHome and FirstDown are programs for those who haven’t owned a home in the past three years, and they may be combined with the MFA’s down payment assistance or utilized as standalone programs.

Your agent is happy to share more information on these options! If you have lower household income, consider the HomeNow program, offering incentives that may result in loan forgiveness. Also worth considering is DownPaymentAdvantage, which provides as $25,000 grant toward down payments and closing costs which doesn’t need to be repaid. Call today to find out what will work best for you!

  • First-time buyers in Artesia will find many options!