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Roswell Whats My Home Worth

“I need to know, in Roswell, what’s my home worth in today’s economy?” You owe it to yourself to determine this information ahead of time. Too many people rush into real estate sales only to find that they’re on their own with no means of support when matters become overwhelming. That key dollar figure that appeals to you as well as it does purchasers is what seals the deal.

Do you know how to select comp properties? When you take the time to do so, you can get a better idea of what market trends look like. Comparing these houses to your own is essential, but also looking at how their final sale prices compare to what they were initially asking can further enhance your knowledge of these matters. Leave no stone unturned!

Find your home’s value before listing! According to rockethomes.com. Roswell is currently a seller’s market, which has remained since this time last year. Homes sell for a median of $575,373, with this number being an increase of $88,777 or 18.2% from last year. 306 homes were for sale last month, and 81 sold. The average sale time for a property in the area is 41 days.

It’s time to learn from a professional who’ll hold you and your needs in the highest regard. Tell your agent what you hope to accomplish when it comes to pricing your residence. The right one will bestow upon you the best research methods in the industry, utilizing modern technology and research on your behalf. Call today to find out more in a consultation.

  • In Roswell, what’s my home worth?